22 November 2006
Dr. R. C. Cola
Botany Research Division
Clone Botanicals
Central City, Texas 000000
SUBJECT: Second Quarter Progress Report
Dear ________:
Enclosed please find three (3) copies of the second quarter research progress report for the effect of Nitrogen based fertilizer on the growth of Saintpaulia Ionantha. The progress report is being submitted for your review and in compliance with contract commitments.
No problems were encountered in this quarter of research and samplings each week were taken on schedule following specified operating procedures. Samples were returned to the Botany Research Laboratory at Tennessee Technological University under chain of custody for processing and analyses using good laboratory practices (GLPs). Resulting information has been compiled and assessed for data quality following quality control and quality assurance practices (QC/QA).
Should you have questions or comments concerning the second quarter progress report, please contact me at (931) 372 3000 or [bamarshall21@TennTech.edu].
Brandy Marshall
Cc: Dr. Tutu, Graduate Committee Chairman
TO: Dr. Tutu, Chairman, Graduate Committee
FROM: Brandy Marshall, Undergraduate Research Assistant
DATE: 22 November 2006
SUBJECT: Second Quarter Research Progress Report
Enclosed please find three (3) copies of the second quarter research progress report for the effect of Nitrogen based fertilizer on the growth of Saintpaulia Ionantha. The progress report is being submitted for your review and in compliance with contract commitments.
No problems were encountered in this quarter of research and samplings each week were taken on schedule following specified operating procedures. Samples were returned to the Botany Research Laboratory at Tennessee Technological University under chain of custody for processing and analyses using good laboratory practices (GLPs). Resulting information has been compiled and assessed for data quality following quality control and quality assurance practices (QC/QA).
Should you have questions or comments concerning the second quarter progress report, please contact me at (931) 372-3000 or [bamarshall21 @TennTech.edu].
Brandy Marshall
Cc: Undergraduate Committee
The effect of Nitrogen based fertilizer on the growth of Saintpaulia Ionantha
Research Progress Report
Brandy Marshall
Undergraduate – Health Sciences
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, TN 38505
22 November 2006
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures
Project Summary (Executive Summery)
Work Accomplished to Date
Plans and Anticipated Work for Next Reporting Period
Problems Encountered and Actions Taken
Appraisal or Evaluation of Progress to Date
Schedule of Remaining Task (PERT Chart)
Supporting Details
List of tables and figures
Data for this experiment is still being processed to produce tables and figures.
Project Summary
People are often torn over whether or not to spend the extra money on fertilizers whether it be for their gardens or large field crops. They often wonder if the fertilizers will actually make the plants larger, so the problem this experiment explores is do fertilizers really work? The object of the experiment is to show the effect nitrogen fertilizer. This will be done by testing 6 African Violet plants, watering three with water only and the other three with a nitrogen fertilizer mixture. At set times, plant height, number of leaves and number of flowers for each plant will be recorded. At the end of the experiment, these values will be used to compare fertilizer and non fertilizer growth.
It is hypothesized that the plants given the fertilizer mixture will grow larger than those only given water. If what is expected occurs, fertilizers can be said to be beneficial in that the fertilizer helps plants to grow larger in a shorter amount of time.
Work accomplished to date
As of November 22, 2006, a search of literature, experimental design, project timeline, research proposal, and the experiment itself has been done. Preliminary results are being analyzed at this time.
Plans and Anticipated Work for Next Reporting Period
By the next reporting period, all results taken from the experiment will be analyzed and put into table and figure format for presentation purposes. A final manuscript will also be prepared.
Problems Encountered and Actions Taken
No problems were encountered during this experiment.
Appraisal or Evaluation of Progress to Date
The experiment is on schedule to date.
It is recommended that following this experiment, research should be conducted to test the effects of non nitrogen based fertilizers.
Schedule of Remaining Task (PERT Chart)
The experiment itself has been completed, so the results are to be finished by early December
Supporting Details
Tennessee Technological University is allowing this experiment to continue for one more semester by providing financial support of this project.